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Ukwakha Ithimba Lokuphendula Lezehlakalo Ze-Cyber

Dala i-Battle Team yakho

Lezi zifundo zenzelwe abaphathi nabaholi bephrojekthi abanikezwe umsebenzi wokwenza iCyber ​​Battle Team yakho, okuyiTechnical Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). Le mfundo inikezela ngesibukezo esezingeni eliphakeme lezinkinga ezibalulekile nezinqumo okumele kubhekwane nazo ekusunguleni iThimba Lezempi leCyber. Njengengxenye yesifundo, abasebenzi bakho bazokwakha uhlelo lokusebenza olungasetshenziswa njengendawo yokuqala ekuhleleni nasekusebenziseni iThimba Lakho le-Cyber ​​Battle. Bazokwazi ukuthi yiziphi izinhlobo zezinsizakusebenza nengqalasizinda ezidingekayo ukuxhasa iqembu. Ngokwengeziwe, ababekhona bazokhomba izinqubomgomo nezinqubo okufanele zisungulwe futhi zisetshenziswe lapho kwakhiwa i-CSIRT.

QAPHELA: Lezi zifundo zanda amaphuzu abhekisa kwiMasters kuCyber ​​Security evela kuSoftware Engineers Institute


The Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is a key component of an organization's security posture. By definition, a CSIRT is a team of individuals who are responsible for responding to computer security incidents. While the term "computer security incident" can be used to describe any type of event that poses a threat to computer systems or data, in practice, most CSIRTs focus on responding to cyber incidents – that is, events that involve some form of malicious activity carried out using digital means.

A CSIRT assesses threat vulnerabilities and the potential for cyber-attacks.  They also assess the damage caused by an attack and are quickly deployed with pre-planned strategies to mitigate the attack and have the organisation up and running again as quickly as possible.  Their goal is to prevent further attacks from occurring. 


Why should I establish a Cyber Security Incident Response Team BEFORE a cyber attack occurs?

Creating a Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is an important step in preparing for a cyber-attack. A CSIRT is a group of people who are trained and prepared to respond to a security incident. The team can provide support during and after an attack, including helping to contain the damage, restore systems, and investigate the incident. Having a CSIRT in place before an attack occurs can help to minimize the impact of the attack and ensure that operations can resume quickly. Furthermore, a CSIRT can help to build trust with customers and other stakeholders by demonstrating that the organization takes security seriously. As such, creating a CSIRT is an important part of preparing for a cyber-attack.

Ngubani okufanele enze le nkambo?

  • Abaphathi bamanje nabakulindeleke be-CSIRT; Abaphathi bezinga le-C njengama-CIO, ama-CSO, ama-CRO; kanye nabaholi bephrojekthi abanentshisekelo yokusungula noma ukuqala Ithimba Lempi leCyber.

  • Abanye abasebenzi abasebenzisana nama-CSIRTs futhi bangathanda ukuthola ukuqonda okujulile ngokuthi ama-CSIRTs asebenza kanjani. Isibonelo, abakhiqizi be-CSIRT; ukuphathwa kwezinga eliphakeme; ubudlelwano nabezindaba, ukwelulekwa ngezomthetho, ukuphoqelelwa komthetho, ezabasebenzi, ukucwaningwa kwamabhuku, noma abasebenzi bokulawulwa kwezinhlekelele.


  • Ukuphathwa kwesigameko nobudlelwano nama-CSIRTs

  • Okudingeka kuqala ekuhleleni i-CSIRT

  • Ukwakha umbono we-CSIRT

  • Umsebenzi we-CSIRT, izinhloso, kanye nezinga legunya

  • Izinkinga nezinhlangano ze-CSIRT

  • Ububanzi namazinga ezinsizakalo ezinikeziwe

  • Izinkinga zezimali

  • Ukuqasha nokuqeqesha abasebenzi bokuqala be-CSIRT

  • Ukuqalisa izinqubomgomo nezinqubo ze-CSIRT

  • Izidingo zengqalasizinda ye-CSIRT

  • Izinkinga zokuqalisa nokusebenza

  • Ukubambisana nezinkinga zokuxhumana

Yini abasebenzi bakho bazofunda?

Abasebenzi bakho bazofunda uku:

  • Qonda izidingo zokusungula i-Cyber Battle Team esebenzayo (CSIRT)

  • Hlela ngamasu ukuthuthukiswa kanye nokuqaliswa kwethimba elisha leCyber Battle.

  • Gqamisa izingqinamba ezihambisana nokuhlanganisa ithimba eliphendulayo, elisebenzayo lochwepheshe bezokuphepha kwamakhompyutha

  • Thola izinqubomgomo nezinqubo okufanele zisungulwe futhi zisetshenziswe.

  • Qonda izinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zenhlangano zeqembu elisha leCyber Battle

  • Qonda ukuhlukahluka kanye nezinga lezinsizakalo iqembu le-Cyber Battle elinganikela ngalo

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